Logo of LettsArt, with Grey Letts and gold Art
Help us build a better platform for artists and creators

LettsArt lets artists connect with their audience on their own terms and earn money doing it. We make it simple for creators to build a gallery business that they own, get discovered on the web, and make money selling their art directly to their supporters. We are a British technology company with international ambitions. LettsArt is a LettsGroup venture.

What we believe

  • We believe that independent art matters, so we hire people who care deeply about creating and collecting art.
  • We believe that buying art directly from artists is better. The business model matters – buying art directly puts collectors and creators in charge, and they create an incentive system that fosters great work.
  • We put artists first – we were founded by artists so we think like them at all times.
  • We have a culture of service. We're here to serve creators and collectors, so we build the things they need to be truly successful. Everyone in the company does customer support, so we can stay close to the creators and collectors who use LettsArt.
  • We tend towards action. We work fast, make strong bets, and flex based on data and user feedback.
  • We believe that real innovation is best done by small groups of exceptional people. We assemble tight-knit teams and give them clear, ambitious goals and the autonomy they need to succeed.

Our main office is in London with a remote team distributed across the UK and Europe. Founded in 2021, LettaArt is a LettsGroup company.

Join our growing team

  • Engineering
  • Marketing and communications
  • Data
  • Customer support
Great software to manage, distribute and sell art