Logo of LettsArt, with Grey Letts and gold Art


March 15th 2022
This Privacy Policy ("Policy") describes how LettsArt (“LettsArt” or “we” or “our” or “us”) collects, stores, shares, and uses information, and your choices about privacy when you use our website, products, and services (collectively, “Services”). Your privacy is important to us, and we ask that you read this Policy carefully to be informed about our practices.

This Policy is part of our Terms of Use, which can be accessed via LettsArt's website. Any capitalized terms that are used but not defined in this Policy have the same meaning given to them in our Terms of Use. By accessing or using our Services in any way, you agree that your information may be collected, stored, shared, and used as described in this Policy and our Terms of Use.

By using our Services, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information as outlined in this Policy. You may withdraw consent at any time in writing, however such withdrawal does not negate our right to process your data prior to your withdrawal.
This Policy applies to all of our Services, regardless of how you use them, and whether or not you register for a LettsArt account. This Policy applies to how we collect, store, share, and use information. This Policy does not apply to any entity that we do not own or control, or to any person that we do not employ or manage. If, at any time during the course of using our Services, you are directed to a third-party site, you understand and agree that the policies of the third-party site govern. For the avoidance of doubt, any third-party with whom we share Personal Information is expected to provide the same or equal protection of Personal Information as stated in this Policy.
Information You Provide: We may collect the information that you provide (such as name, email address, home address, phone number) or otherwise make available to us when you access or use our Services, including when you:

fill in any forms on our Services, such as when you register for a LettsArt account or update your account or User profile information;
access or use our Services, such as when you search for or view artwork or other items, follow artists, galleries, institutions or other Users, place bids in an auction or otherwise perform transactions, or communicate with other Users (this can include the information you provide on or through our Services, and information about how you access or use our Services, such as which features you use and when you use them);
Delete rows you don't need.link your LettsArt account to your account on another social media service (including when you sign up for our Services or sign into our Services through another social media service), in which case we may obtain your username on that service and other information you make publicly available through that service, which may vary depending on your settings on that service; or communicate with us.
Information Collected Automatically: We may automatically collect certain information about how you access or use our Services, and by using our Services you consent to the collection of that information. Examples include but are not limited to: internet browser, operating system, device and application identifiers, IP address and geo-location information, access times and dates, referring and exit pages and URLs, clickstream data, search terms, pages viewed, time spent on pages, bounce rate and login frequency.
Information from Cookies, Web Beacons and Similar Technologies: We may collect information through the use of cookies, web beacons and similar technologies. These technologies help us to operate, improve and customize our Services, Content and marketing, for example, by helping us to better understand how Users access and engage with our Services, Content, emails and ads. We may also use third-party service providers (such as analytics or ad providers) that may use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies to help operate their services. Your browser may have settings that allow you to decline cookies, but please note that some of our Services may not be available if you do so, as some of our Services require cookies to operate. For more information about cookies, web beacons, similar technologies, and how they are used, please see our Cookie Policy below.
Information from Other Users: If you use our Services to communicate with another User or perform a transaction with another User, we may obtain information or feedback from them about their interaction with you (for example, whether you were responsive to their communications or completed a transaction with them). Also, when Users share User Content through our Services, if it contains information about you, we will receive that information as well. More information about User Content is provided below.
Information from Other Sources: We may obtain information about you from third-party partners (such as other companies with which we may jointly offer services or conduct promotional events), third-party service providers, credit bureaus or other sources, including but not limited to demographic information, contact information, open data, publicly available data and credit check information. We may use this information for legitimate business purposes, including the performance of a contract, customer support, fraud prevention, and credit-related decisions in connection with our Services, along with other purposes described in this Policy.
Information from Mobile Use: When you access our Services on a mobile device, for example, when you download or use a LettsArt mobile application or visit our website from a mobile browser, we may obtain information about your location and mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device which information may be used for legitimate business purposes. Along with the other purposes described in this Policy, we may use this information in order to customize our Services, Content and marketing for your location. Most mobile devices let you disable location services, and your choices for location services may vary depending on your mobile device.
The information we collect helps us to operate, improve, protect, and customize our Services, as well as develop new Services. The information we collect also helps us provide customer support and make our Services more efficient for you and other Users.

For the sake of transparency, it is our responsibility to outline for you the legitimate business purposes for the collection of information and the reasons why we do so, in order for you to make an informed decision regarding the use of our Services.

In addition to the other uses of information described in this Policy, we may use all of the information that we obtain from or about you for the following purposes and reasons:

  • to provide our Services to you, including new Services we develop later (reason: legitimate business purpose and performance of a contract);
  • to provide you with customer support (reason: legitimate business purpose);
  • to facilitate your communications or transactions with us or other Users (reason: to receive consent, and for legitimate business purpose);
  • to operate, improve, and customize our Services, Content, and marketing, to develop new Services, and to understand how you use and interact with our Services and Content, and the products, services, and Content of others (reason: legitimate business purpose);
  • to develop and display more customized Content and ads to you on or off our Services (reason: to receive consent, and for legitimate business purpose);
  • to promote and maintain a trusted, safer, and more reliable environment on our Services, for example, to help detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, conduct investigations or risk assessments, or verify actions taken by you or associated with your account (reason: to protect the public interest and for legitimate business purpose);
  • to contact you (by email, postal mail, telephone, mobile devices, SMS text message, or as otherwise authorized by you) in order to address issues with your account or use of our Services, collect fees, send you updates about our Services or policies, or for other purposes permitted by law (reason: performance of a contract and for legitimate business purpose);
  • to contact you (by email, postal mail, telephone, mobile devices, SMS text message, or as otherwise authorized by you) in order to send you marketing communications, promotional messages, and offers about our Services and Content, and the products, services, and Content of others (see below for information on how to opt out of receiving certain communications from us) (reason: to receive consent, and for legitimate business purpose);
  • to facilitate your participation in contests, sweepstakes or other promotional events sponsored or conducted by us or by others in conjunction with us (reason: performance of a contract); to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our Terms of Use or any other LettsArt policies or agreements with Users (reason: compliance with a legal obligation); and
  • to perform other functions as described when the information is collected or requested, or for other purposes with your prior consent (reason: legitimate business purpose).
We provide registered Users with settings on our Services to control whether they receive certain communications from us. If you do not want to receive marketing email from us, you can unsubscribe by following the unsubscribe link in the email you received, changing your preferences in your profile and account settings (if you have registered for a LettsArt account), or emailing us at hello@lettsart.com. . You may not be able to opt out of receiving some communications from us, such as email about your account, your relationship with us, or your transactions with us or other Users. For further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at hello@lettsart. com. Please note that unsubscribing from receiving emails from us may result in a less robust experience of our Services.
Registration, Access and Records: To register for a LettsArt account, you will need to do so by providing your full name and a valid email address. If you have received our permission to use our Services as a business, you may need to complete an additional registration process and provide additional information. If you have a LettsArt account, you may access, add, remove or update certain information about you in your profile and account settings, as indicated on our Services. It is your responsibility to update all such information as necessary to keep it accurate and current. When you update your account or profile information, we may keep a record of the unrevised information for purposes consistent with this Policy. If you wish to cancel your account, you may do so by using the tools provided in your profile and account settings, subject to any other agreements between you and us and any transactions which have not yet been completed. If you terminate your account, we may keep a record of any or all information associated with you or your account, as required or permitted by law, for purposes consistent with this Policy, and any such data shall be attached to a unique identifier which cannot be used to identify you; specific account data that includes Personal Information including your name, e-mail, contact information, and certain other records such as settings and collector profiles will be removed at such termination. For further information, please contact us at hello@lettsart.com.

Profile and Account Information: To make our Services more interactive, certain information about Users’ profiles or accounts may be made accessible to other Users on or through our Services, as indicated in Users’ profile and account settings on our Services, or as otherwise indicated by us when you use certain Services. Our Services may include settings to control how certain profile or account information is shared with other Users on or through our Services, and you should check your profile and account settings regularly to be informed of your current choices. For further information, please contact us at hello@lettsart.com.

Data Retention: We will keep and use your data as described in this Policy for (i) as long as your account is in use, is open, or is active; (ii) as long as is necessary to comply with any tax, legal, and/or other regulatory requirements; and (iii) to protect and defend against potential legal claims. If you would like to request the deletion of your personally identifiable information or request that it be returned to you, please contact us at hello@lettsart.com . By deleting your data from our Site, you understand that you will no longer be able to use our Services. We will retain your anonymized, aggregated, depersonalised data after it has been deleted from our Site.

Our Services may include features that enable you to designate your “favorite” artists, designers or other creators, artwork or other items, or categories of artwork or other items. Our Services may also include features that enable you to “follow” galleries, institutions or other Users, artists, designers or other creators, or categories of artwork or other items.

If you enable such designations, we may include you in email communications regarding those designations. If you would like to opt out of receiving those emails, please follow the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the relevant email or visit your account profile to update your email settings. For further information, please contact us at hello@lettsart.com.


As described in our Terms of Use, some Services may enable you to provide User Content on or through our Services. When you post or publish User Content on our Services, any information contained in the User Content (including information in images or videos) becomes publicly accessible on our Services (and may also be indexed by and accessible through third-party search engines), and we and other Users may access and use the User Content as described in our Terms of Use. This applies even if you or someone else also provides such information to us by other means, and our use of such information might have been more limited under this Policy if such information was only provided to us by such other means. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the right to share any information about others that you may share with us or with others through our Services.


Connecting with Other Users: We aim to provide a platform and marketplace where Users can discover and engage with a wide range of artwork, design and other items from around the world, including items from the various galleries, institutions and others that use our Services as exhibitors or sellers. To help make this happen, our Services may include features, such as messaging tools and email addresses hosted on our Services, that enable you to contact and communicate with other Users. For example, when an auction house, gallery, or other seller lists an artwork or other item on our Services, our Services may enable you to contact them about that item or about other items they may have available.

Sharing Information with Other Users: When you use our Services to contact another User or perform a transaction with another User, such as an auction house, gallery, or institution, they may obtain your name, email address and (as applicable) other contact information from us to facilitate communications, transactions, or for their marketing purposes. Sometimes such Users may be able to obtain additional information about you when you use our Services to contact them or perform a transaction with them. For example, they may be able to obtain information about your location, interests and other information, as indicated by us in connection with these Services, or as otherwise indicated in your profile and account settings. Our Services may include settings that enable you to choose how certain information is shared with other Users when you contact them or perform a transaction with them, as indicated when you use these Services or in your profile and account settings.


Personal Information. Under this Policy, "Personal Information" means information that by itself can be used to identify or contact a specific person (for example, a person’s name, email address, postal address or phone number), and Personal Information does not include information that has been aggregated or made anonymous so that by itself it no longer identifies and can no longer reasonably be used to contact a specific person. In certain circumstances, Personal Information may also include information you voluntarily provide to us such as artists and galleries you choose to follow. We will only share your Personal Information with others in the ways described in this Policy, or otherwise with your prior consent. In addition to the other sharing of Personal Information described in this Policy, we may share your Personal Information with others in the following contexts.

Service Providers: We may contract with third-party service providers that help us provide our Services, or that perform services for us related to our Services, and they may process your Personal Information as necessary to perform those functions for us. Examples may include but are not limited to: identity verification, document authentication, public database review, order fulfillment, package delivery, payment processing, bill collection, fraud investigation, email and postal mail administration, customer service assistance, web and mobile data analytics, display ads, and server and database hosting services. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not sell your Personal Information to our Service Providers.

Payment Processing: We use third-parties, including Stripe, to gather your data from financial institutions. By using our Services, you grant our third-party providers the right, power, and authority to act on your behalf to access and transmit your personal and financial information from the relevant financial institution according to terms of such third-party providers' privacy policies and service terms.

Business Transfers: If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, your Personal Information may be one of the assets transferred. In this event, if you have registered for an LettsArt account, we will notify you of the change of ownership by sending an email to the most recent email address you provided us under your LettsArt account.

Legal Purposes: We may access, preserve, and disclose your Personal Information and/or other information if we believe that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with any law, regulation, legal process or governmental request (such as search warrants, subpoenas or court orders), which may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside the United Kingdom; (ii) enforce our Terms of Use or our other policies or agreements with Users, or investigate potential violations; (iii) detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; (iv) protect or enforce the rights or property of LettsArt , you, or any other person or entity; or (v) prevent physical harm to any person, including situations involving possible violence or self-harm.


We may aggregate and/or make anonymous any Personal Information that we have obtained in any way from or about you or others so that such information no longer contains any Personal Information. We may use and share any aggregated, anonymous or other non-personally identifying information for any legitimate business purposes, including research and development, marketing, and to inform others about how our Services or Content are engaged with or used.


If you use our marketplace or register for certain Services, you may need to provide payment information, such as a credit card number, type and expiration date. We do not intentionally store credit card information entered on our Services. This information is stored by a third-party payment processor, and the use and storage of this information will be subject to the payment processor’s own terms of service and privacy policy. We do receive certain information from the payment processor, including a unique token that we associate with you to authorize your purchases, and in certain cases, the last four digits of the credit card number associated with that token, in order to help prevent fraud and identity theft. If you do not wish to provide payment information, you will not be able to use certain Services on our Site.


Our Services may include links to other websites or services that we do not own or control, and other websites or services that we do not own or control may include links to our Services. Our Services may also include features that enable you to link your LettsArt account to your account on other social media services. For example, you may be able to sign up for (or sign in to) our Services through another social media service. Our Services may also include features that enable you to share Content on other websites and social media services. However, these links and features are not an endorsement by us of any other websites or services, or any of their privacy policies or practices. When you visit or use other websites or services, they may collect information from you, including through the use of cookies, web beacons or similar technologies. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites and services that you visit or use to be informed of their practices.


Our Services are not directed to children under the age of 16, and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from people in this age group. If you believe we may have collected Personal Information from anyone under the age of 16, please contact us at hello@lettsart.com.


Every LettsArt account is protected by a password to help maintain privacy and security on our Services. If you register for an account, we urge you to use a strong password containing unique numbers, letters and special characters, and to protect the confidentiality of your password at all times. If you suspect or become aware of any unauthorized access to or use of your account or password, you agree to immediately notify us and change your password. Please note that while we seek to protect your information and maintain the security of our Services, due to the possibility of hardware or software failure, unauthorized entry or use and other factors, we cannot guarantee the security of any information, whether online or offline. Any transmission of information is at your own risk. Please also note that any information you provide to us via email is unencrypted.


Some jurisdictions have laws that give people the right to access or correct their Personal Information which a company has about them. We will honor any statutory right you may have to access or correct your Personal Information that we have in our records, and you can email such requests to hello@lettsart.com. Once we receive your request, we will let you know if an administrative fee will apply to fulfill your request, as permitted by applicable law. However, please note that even if you have a legal right to request access to information or to correct information, as permitted by applicable law, we may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, would require disproportionate technical effort (for example, developing a new system or materially changing an existing practice), would jeopardize the privacy of others, or would be extremely impractical to fulfill (for example, requests to access information located on backup systems).

Your Rights Under The Data Protection Act 2018 & GDPR

You have the right to request personal data that we hold about you, subject to us reserving the right to withhold such data to the extent permitted by law. We may charge an administration fee in line with data protection laws and we may also require appropriate evidence of identity. Note that you may be able to rectify certain aspects of your personal data within your account on our service (if applicable).

If you are located within the EU and the GDPR regulations apply to our processing of your personal data, you have the right to request the following from us:

Access to personal data of yours that we hold

That we correct or rectify any incorrect personal data that we hold

That we erase any personal data of yours that we hold

To receive your personal data provided to us

Please contact us if you believe that the EU GDPR regulations apply to you and you wish to exercise your rights under GDPR. Please note that we might ask you to verify your identity before responding to requests.

You also have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our use and collection of your personal information. For more information, please contact the relevant data protection authority in your area.

For further information about your rights under UK data protection laws, see the website of the UK Information Commissioner.

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